Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Production and Photographs For Print Advert

These are the photographs that we took for our print advert. We used two models to experiment between different composition and hair.

These are the screengrabs of the production of the print advert

Changing the exposure levels of the face in different sections gave the appearance of the tanned. Adjusting these levels gave the colours we needed to make a timeline of tan.

Using the transform tool we made sure the Channel 4 logo was the correct size and positioned centrally on the page.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Print Advert Draft

Instead of drawing out a print advert draft, we decided to produce 3 mock ups of possibilities for our print advert quickly in photoshop.

We liked the idea of contrasting levels of tan, so this was a juxtaposition of two different images, one who is very pale and another who is very tanned. We liked this idea, however felt that the execution to create an eye catching and interesting, and not scary, image would have been too difficult, so we took the idea of different levels of tan further. 

To develop from our original idea, we used the same image and divided it into sections, with 2 different coloured skin. We found this to be more effective, however we decided to experiment of how to split up the section.

This mock up is most similar to our final design. We have decided to split the face into 4 sections, with different levels of tan in each box. We decided landscape would be best so the face is even more prominent. At this point we still had a blank background, which is where finally the inspiration for the tubes of a sun bed came in. Also we decided to have each box have a different degree of tan, and each section is more tanned as if you're going round a clock face.We found this to be the most effective.