Title: It's Better Connected
Opening Sequence:
As a preliminary task, we had to create a short interview with an opening sequence about the topic of mobile phones, so we get familiar with the programme we are using and the editing tools. We were asked to create cutaways to break up the interview and to avoid the jump cuts. It is not expected that this documentary to be anywhere near as good as our finished product, however it gave me a taster of putting the codes and conventions of interviews into effect. Also it allows us to make mistakes now in a preliminary task, rather than whilst constructing our finished product.
From the feedback that we were given, we found what was successful and what wasn't, and what could have been improved. The positive comments from the feedback was our opening sequence that clearly illustrated the title, with a creative way of presenting it. The mise-en-scene of the opening title sequence clearly anchored the theme and topic of this 'mini documentary' about mobile phones.
However during the interview, the microphone was positioned incorrectly so the voice of the interviewee was extremely quiet and the background noise dominated this significantly. Careful set up before an interview actually starts I have learnt is essential, and for our real product this is a mistake we will make sure never happens again. The cutaways linked in with the theme of mobile phones, and in this interview some mise - en - scene was apparent. Overall however, I feel this could be massively improved, especially the quality of the interview. This would have made the interview feel a lot more professional, which is extremely important. As the interviews contain some of the observation of the documentary, they are one of the most important sections in a real professional product.
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